Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mohammad Afzal - Verdicts and Beyond

The Verdict

The SC bench comprising justices P.V. Reddi and P.P. Naolekar said: “Collective conscience [of the nation] will only be satisfied if he is awarded death penalty.”

Or in other words: We can’t help it! People want him dead…..

Afzal was not even given the right of appropriate representation during the court proceedings – there have been several sessions wherein Afzal has had to defend himself in court. And we are talking about a police force that is amazingly adept at fabricating evidence….

The biggies of the Parliament attack are having a blast living it up in safety and luxury. Maybe because a nation that’s baying for Afzal’s blood has blissfully forgotten about them.

Or maybe the Indian Government always knew that they wouldn’t be able to touch them anyways – and when we are talking of such a high profile case – they had better have convictions. Who better than Mohammad Afzal to have as prime accused?

Isnt it obvious that there is something horribly wrong somewhere?
I am not claiming that Afzal is innocent - all I am saying is prove his guilt for gods sake!

What it means for us

Afzal might hang. Or maybe he might not.
But if he does, it would be a sad day for the state in general and the judiciary in particular.

Afzal is nobody special. He is just another Indian – like you, like me, like most of us. His execution will prove beyond doubt that justice is not for the common powerless Indian.

I do not intend, and hate to make this appear communal – but Indians of the minority community would just become a lot more vulnerable due to this. The police would be cracking cases at break neck speeds – and would be hurled praises by a media that sees all, knows all, but plays blind.

The victims – persons who end up being in the wrong place at the wrong time – it may be me tomorrow, it may as well be you too.

Now the entire nation will bay for our blood. And then the SC will again cater to the collective conscience of the people

Denying justice to the common Indian. Delivering judgments that are based on the perception of justice than justice itself.

Is this a sign of things to come?.......