Monday, June 4, 2007

SIES Guys Seriously rock Together

Yesterday night a few of our college mates met up for dinner at Satguru's in Chembur. And boy, what a time we had!

It was a tradition that began in the 4th semester, and two such outings per semester eventually became mandatory, the first before the vivas, the excuse being that a long stint of studies was coming up. And the second, after the mains, the excuse being that a long stint of studies was just done with!

It all began with a discussion during the PCOM practicals about the quality of the Pav Bhaji that Satguru doles out. It was one of the most intellectually stimulating discussions that we had in the whole of our PCOM practicals, since we never ever had anything better to do. And anyways, getting the output was obviously out of question.

And thats how it all started. With a modest beginning of five people which eventually swelled to 24 once. By now all the waiters and the owners of Satguru know what is in store for them when they see even a couple of these so called clowns from SIES walk in. Coz they know that the rest of the pack cant be far behind, and watch with sinking hearts as we begin setting up our bunker to launch a vicious onslaught of the most pathetically amazing (or is it amazingly pathetic?) PJ's on the unsuspecting mortals around.

But yesterday's was special for many reasons.
For one, it was the first time that the get together was not about any particular class (wonder why we didnt do this before.....). The clan was equally represented by all the three streams, COMPS, IT and EXTC.
And it was a reason for celebration, twice over - of Sunil getting a well deserved break with his admit from IIM C. And of Ragha's birthday gone by. And for Vikas being under the illusion that the Nalanda Law College is managed by Shishu Shikshan Samiti!

And as I and Neeraj were discussing on our way back home, for the sheer joy of being with your college mates once again. Many of us are working now. We would have made quite a few new friends as well. Work might be great, and fun too. But being with your people at the home turf is really something priceless. Rolling with laughter over atrocious PJ's that seem funny only to us. Making plans to go for the first day first show of the greatest ever moviiee to be made. All is so unique to our batch.

Borrowing the tag line from Sony, its

Like No Other...


Neeraj said...
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Neeraj said...

The above comment was to boost ur number of ;-)
Adi is already a beneficiary of this policy ,and now you..

Coming to the post, I have some serious disagreement here..

"We would have made quite a few new friends as well."

Would have? Who do you think the celebs who'd come over were? I guess they were some great friends who'd come over. Case in point, Sunil. Though he has been merely visiting faculty at Satguru's we can still expect to get that treat from him. If not anything then those rasgullas by courier. Right Sunil?

A Mangled Soul said...


When saying new friends, i meant the new friends that all of must must have made in our respective offices.

And even so, returning to our college friends is simply something else..

Sunil Natraj said...

Well well well!!! Now this is an evening well chronicled. Nice post Vinay, and thanks for the mention :)

@Neeraj: Rasgollas eh? Sure sure. They shall be here regularly.

@all: Lets try having another evening before we leave. Maybe I can treat :P


aditya said...

Vinay, a fantastic piece. I always like reading posts on meet-ups, friends etc. It feels good to relive those moments again.
One usage that i liked -"pathetically amazing (or is it amazingly pathetic?)"
We must and we will meet often. As for the the real luv story - the movieee, all I can say is "Insha allah".
Here's to great times!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi all, i am sure if any of you, in particular Neeraj, and Vinay remember me. I was in my First year when you were in your final year.
Nikhil Nair- FE COMPS. :)
Anyway, i came across your post when i keyed in SIES in google blog search. i was trying to find our magazines blog. which is what i wanted to tell you check it out.
Campus is our College wallpaper...comes out every fortnight. :)