Saturday, October 25, 2008


Four questions – to the man himself, and all other people who sympathise, empathise and root for this lone warrior in today's mean mean world.

1. What are you going to do when the other nerve centres of the India story – Bangalore, Delhi and Hyderabad – with indelible contributions from the Marathi Manoos - begin throwing them out of their respective cities?

2. Going by your campaigns, you would be dead against outsourcing – so what are you planning to do, to support the millions of Indians (which would include lakhs of Maharashtrians as well) who are going to be
thrown out of the US, since, quite obviously, we are not sons of their soil.

3. As the old adage goes, charity begins at home. So, if Bombay should become Mumbai, then Thakre should never have become Thackeray.

4. And yes, we have also heard that your son opted for German instead of Marathi….[Read More]

P.S:1. I hate the way throwing out sounds – the usage is only in keeping with what has been happening in the past few days.

2. I am a South Indian. It's high time we began identifying ourselves as Indians first.

3. Crimes sadly figure in tthe Key Achievements portion of a politician's resume even today. I was overjoyed when Raj on founding the MNS began speaking about development and nothing else. I was actually wondering that he would herald a new era in politics that would bring about a change in the ethos of the Indian Politician.

4. Today's state of affairs say a whole lot about the maturity (or should I say gullibility) of the Indian Voter. We are probably as much responsible for what's happening.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

If You Ever Read This

To all members of organizations claiming to wage the Holy War:

Who do you think you are waging this war against? Against a girl waiting for her school bus thinking about her kid brother whom she lost to you? Against an unborn child that is yet to see this beautiful world? Against a vegetable vendor, who as the sole breadwinner was taking care of his ailing mother?

Who do you think you are waging this war against? Are these the people who were coming in the way of your goals? Looking at the 'glorious' profile of the victims of your war, you would be so ashamed…

Reason enough for you to be in hiding…never can you muster the courage to come face to face. Courage comes with truth. Courage comes with conviction. And you know in your heart of hearts, deep within, that you are wrong. And what you are doing is wrong.

A life spent yearning for your loved ones…a life spent looking over the shoulder every moment…a life spent under covers…at the end of it all…was it worth it? Of course you can continue to do as you wish – but we refuse to be deterred now.

Because you cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore.
Because you cannot humiliate the people who feel pride.
Because you cannot uneducate the people who have learned to read.
We have seen the future – and the future is ours.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Womens Liberation - Liberated For Ever...

In Punjab, 300 girls survive for every 1000 boys that survive among the rich upper class elite.

Remember that Sushant Singh starrer - "Mathrubhumi - A Land Without Women..."

It seems just round the corner, doesnt it?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Lost in the Celestial Soup

Ever thought big? In the literal sense? And REAL big at that?
Ever thought about the universe?

Well I have, and every time I think, it bowls me over completely, and leaves me awestruck, dumbstruck, wide eyed (and whatever other adjectives you can pool in), when I think of those ethereal mysteries starry eyed sky gazers try to unravel.

Try and visualise. Trust me, its going to be a fantastic voyage!

The universe is said to be expanding, and at a crazy rate. All matter existing is essentially a part of our universe. Then somebody please enlighten me, what in goddamn hell is the universe expanding into?

And again, before the Big Bang, the universe was a singularity - a cosmic dot, with infinite density. By god, please tell me what was all around it, that the universe is now blissfully punching into, in its effort, conquer the entire, ahem, errr, ummmm Universe? No, thats wrong; so what exactly is it conquering then?

Every now and then, we have these new cheeky galaxies popping up in every nook and corner of this universe. And some sane people had told me in school that energy and matter in this universe remains constant.

And now for the question of the cosmos. Does God play dice? The good man Frank Drake wants us to believe his Equation of Life which claims that statistically, Earth is the only planet that can harbour life. (Dear God, my apologies for the observation but that really is a MASSIVE waste of resources out there then!)

Who says you cant go back in time. Every day when you look at the star lit sky, you travel back in time many many years. A peep at the Andromeda galaxy, and you were probably looking at a prehistoric era so back in time that humans were a long time away in the future. The farther you peep into the universe, the more you get back in time.

Isn't it fascinating?

One of my deepest regrets would be having to go to my grave without answers to these cosmic questions; questions to which the human race may never ever have answers to.

Lets hope that mankind would be advanced enough to dig for the answers. Lets hope that we would still have Earth as a home at that time.

If not, God, please please roll that die again!