Saturday, October 25, 2008


Four questions – to the man himself, and all other people who sympathise, empathise and root for this lone warrior in today's mean mean world.

1. What are you going to do when the other nerve centres of the India story – Bangalore, Delhi and Hyderabad – with indelible contributions from the Marathi Manoos - begin throwing them out of their respective cities?

2. Going by your campaigns, you would be dead against outsourcing – so what are you planning to do, to support the millions of Indians (which would include lakhs of Maharashtrians as well) who are going to be
thrown out of the US, since, quite obviously, we are not sons of their soil.

3. As the old adage goes, charity begins at home. So, if Bombay should become Mumbai, then Thakre should never have become Thackeray.

4. And yes, we have also heard that your son opted for German instead of Marathi….[Read More]

P.S:1. I hate the way throwing out sounds – the usage is only in keeping with what has been happening in the past few days.

2. I am a South Indian. It's high time we began identifying ourselves as Indians first.

3. Crimes sadly figure in tthe Key Achievements portion of a politician's resume even today. I was overjoyed when Raj on founding the MNS began speaking about development and nothing else. I was actually wondering that he would herald a new era in politics that would bring about a change in the ethos of the Indian Politician.

4. Today's state of affairs say a whole lot about the maturity (or should I say gullibility) of the Indian Voter. We are probably as much responsible for what's happening.


Unknown said...

u know what sometimes i feel humans are the filthiest species to ever exist on this little planet. other species have violence in them because of food chain principle
Humans just plainly hate each other for petty reasons. I wonder in the future would human would retain their status as intelligent species.

to the point post i like the 3rd comment and 4th one too

Neeraj said...


This is so much beside the point anyway. Any right thinking person would immediately recognize that this entire business had not a shred of reason. It is one terribly smart man trying to carve out a niche for himself. The sad part is that his methods are post despicable.

It saddens me to say that the quality of political and ideological opposition both intellectually and morally has been quite abysmal. The biggest voices against MNS have been Mr. Amar Singh and his group of cohorts, some "intelligentsia" babbling about an abstract concept of cosmopolitanism and so on.

More importantly, Mr. Raj Thackeray isn't as a large a phenomenon that he's made out to be. A few repeated clips of violence on TV don't prove his clout over Maharashtra. The fact is he is still a wannabe Bal Thackeray who knows to manipulate the media very well to achieve the limelight he needs.

Anonymous said...

1.There is not much to worry about the other nerve centres for now because it will take time for such severe regionalism to penetrate into them and drive out the marathi manus through the borders.

2.Speaking of Indians in the US, admist such a crisis, though reputed to be impulsive, the US will not send back the only worthy population it seems to have today, irrespective of where it hails from in India.

3.Thackeray reverting to Thakre wouldn't really be as pleasing as Mumbai going back to Bombay......

4.This renders creedence the notion of the child being the father of the man......